How often have we wondered what we are doing, it is dangerous to health and our lives? Few times, because first of all, all continue to smoke a cigarette, to exaggerate with alcohol and deal with things mostly dëmshe. According to many studies, everyday actions can have false negative effect on your life. What are they? To see ten things that shorten the life of women!
If you sit more than two hours a day
Above all for those who work in the office, it is inevitable that this happens. However, according to some Australian researchers, reduced life expectancy for several years, remaining seated for a superior time of 2-3 hours. An effect that could not be canceled nor with a good physical shape.
If you do not have friends or girlfriend
The closing friendship good heart and soul. Who has fewer friends, more opportunities there are to die earlier. This was confirmed by the applicant ‘Brigham Young University’ and the ‘University of North Carolina’, under which, only stay for a long time it would be like to drink njëjrë 15 cigarettes a day.
If you stay long before TV
To stay ahead of the TV, even for only two hours a day, will increase the possibility of premature death, heart disease and diabetes type 2. This theory nga’Harvard University researchers support “, under which, every hour spent in front small screen, will shorten the life existence of 21.8 minutes.
If you eat badly
According to experts, the food improperly, and it shortens life. It seems that red meat contributes to reduce approximately 20% lives in the event of excessive consumption and uncontrolled.
Disengagement is not something that your body reacts positively. Canadian scientists calculated that being inactive increases the chances of 63% of the risk of premature death, much like cigarettes.
If you travel a lot
Those traveling more than an hour by car, will earn stress, obesity, Insomni, irritability and physical inactivity. All factors, according to the Swedish University Umeas will lead to shortening of life.
If you do not have sex
A study conducted in Wales has revealed that, unless you have orgasm for a long period of time, can affect the shortening of life with 50% of opportunities, compared with people who have regular REPORTS. To this must be said: Long live sex!
If you have colleagues unfriendly
Life in the office is not easy. It becomes even more difficult if peers or colleagues who have close, unfriendly look. A study conducted by Tel Aviv University ‘concluded that unbearable colleague or colleagues, make your risk of death is 2.4 times higher than Hee colleagues who are happy and satisfied in their offices.
If you sleep too little or sleeping
If you sleep less, it harms the heart, favors diabetes, some forms of cancer, mental disorders and above all early death. But, in the same way, if you sleep too much, nor it does not make you good. The ideal period for sleep? 6-7 hours a night.
If you are afraid of death
‘Tanafobia’ or fear of death, can affect the life shortening. A study by the ‘US National Library of Medicine’ has come to the conclusion that the fear of death and reduces life expectancy, causing paranoia and create terror and alienation.