Facebook continues to make the Messenger stronger and here comes another step in the same direction. After WhatsApp Web, now Facebook has launched a dedicated and standalone tool i.e. a dedicated Messenger for web browsers. On Wednesday, the social networking giant unveiled its plans and new service with a dedicated chat interface.
Right now, this Messenger for web browsers service has been rolled out for the English speaking regions and it will be soon rolled out for the users all over the world. Now you can go to Messenger.com and chat with your friends without accessing Facebook’s main website.
Right now, a fair percentage of fossBytes readers might be wondering the benefits of this step and their confusion is justified given the fact that Messenger is already inbuilt on Facebook.com.
But, it seems as if the company wants Messenger.com to be a separate and standalone chatting experience for the users without distractions from the usual news feed content. This gives birth to an element of doubt that if it’s possible that Facebook could possibly be planning to fully separate Facebook.com and Messenger service? Facebook has already forced the mobile users to download a separate Messenger app for chatting.
A Facebook spokesperson told re/code that Facebook has no future plans to remove the messaging service from Facebook. So, for the time being, you will still be able to use Facebook with messenger inbuilt in it along with this new Messenger for web browsers.
As I mentioned earlier that Facebook is trying its best to make its Facebook stronger and in the same direction, at Facebook’s F8 Developer Conference, Facebook announced Messenger as a platform that will support apps and attract developers. Also, Facebook recently started free cash payments via its Messenger to the Facebook friends to take on PayPal.
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