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Loves failed Kivanc Tatlitug (Photo)

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Many girls have fallen in love with some models, several actresses. But there are many others, as models or actors, who want to know if Kivanc is married or not. Kivanc Tatlitug is not yet married girls, chill! Renowned Turkish actor, Kivanc Tatlitug has been linked to many beautiful girls in Turkey, starting from models, actresses and even the beauty queen. Finally, some time has found true love, as he said in some local media, although the latter still doubt that Brad Pitt of Turkey have finally found happiness in this part. According to them, Behluli is Kivanc Tatlitug.

  1. Azra Akin (2002 – 2012) 
  2. Meltem Cumbul (2008) 
  3. Idil Firat (2010) 
  4. Florence Eugene (2013)
  5. Başak Dizer 2013

English, read carefully: Here’s the scenario that Serbia can qualify

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Do you think that Albania is fully secured qualification and Serbia can be considered eliminated. In fact, it is a scenario which in the worst case would harm national sports dream.
Serbia practically unlikely. The match with Serbia is approaching, and Albania is only a step away from qualification and realization of the dream – Euro 2016 in France.
However, in the worst case, there is another scenario that Serbia will seek qualification to the European Kmapionatin.
And this possibility, to prevent have only Albanians and no one else, to bring them to the stadium.

De Biasi, comes 'mandate' third?

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Some of the members of the Executive Committee of AFF expressed pro, advising the president Armand Duka renewal with the Italian technician for 2 years tjera.Përpos qualification pressure, AFF is also facing the question of whether the coach Gianni De Biasi must continue National Team lead for a third term even if they do not participate in 'France 2016' .Some of the members of the Executive Committee of AFF expressed pro, advising the president Armand Duka Italian technician renewal for two additional years, writes '' .Pavarësisht what will happen with the last two games because according to them, the group that created the ardhmen.Ndërsa promises there are those who do not want to interfere even in a comment, calling as the exclusive competence of the president.

FIFA: Special for Albania

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Each week FIFA publishes a magazine, 'The Weekly', which this week has had at its center Albania national team that is very close to qualifying for Euro 2016, coach Gianni De Biasi as a character very important in this superb performance, and transforming the whole of our football (title 'Albania, happy and optimistic'). In the pages of 'The Weekly' includes a lengthy interview with coach Gianni De Biasi, who explains extensively since the beginning of Albania's to the current moment. 'The most difficult challenge when I Albania, was to understand the mentality of people and potential national team players. Just change the mentality was the most difficult job, because everybody has habits difficult to change, but I think I have succeeded '.Çfarë prevent Albania take the big step into the past? 'I noticed that the Albanian players who reach level enjoy and are not taught to look to the future and decide major objectives: in this direction have worked and continue to work yet,' writes '' Albanian .Futbolli terrain? 'We are in bad condition, it is difficult to find training grounds for children, although in recent years there have been improvements in this regard. Federation is working hard, but the clubs have to be more organized and willing to continue to grow 'Albanian .Kampionati? 'With 10 teams, Superliga improved in terms of quality, but we must not forget that Albania is a new federation, because many things have changed in comparison with the previous regime. Good performance Skanderbeg this edition confirms the growth of the championship, there is still much work to be done and needs to be improved in terms of mentality. When players play abroad, they grow more and educated, while in Albania needs high-quality foreign players from countries like Brazil and Italy, for example, so that the local players be tested against them and learn '.

Tuna after the division of the old custom turn, affects the bird under the dress (PHOTO)

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It can not have more Cozman side, but Tuna, is what made him famous: bird! How to tell that there is no division suffers discussed in the media with her former partner, the singer has exploded posting provocative poses, realized during the holidays in Turkey. 30-year-old appears finally handed down a black dress, probably excited bird.

Captain Cana “invades” Austria (VIDEO)

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The national team captain Lorik Cana has already “occupied” with his image Austria in the field of marketing.
austrike company chose the image of the Albanian national team captain, Lorik Cana to promote its drink refreshing new “Black Eagle” (Black Eagle), which already has “conquered” the streets of Austria.