De Biasi, comes 'mandate' third?

By Xhafer - No Comments

Some of the members of the Executive Committee of AFF expressed pro, advising the president Armand Duka renewal with the Italian technician for 2 years tjera.Përpos qualification pressure, AFF is also facing the question of whether the coach Gianni De Biasi must continue National Team lead for a third term even if they do not participate in 'France 2016' .Some of the members of the Executive Committee of AFF expressed pro, advising the president Armand Duka Italian technician renewal for two additional years, writes '' .Pavarësisht what will happen with the last two games because according to them, the group that created the ardhmen.Ndërsa promises there are those who do not want to interfere even in a comment, calling as the exclusive competence of the president.


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