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Serbia among the most miserable countries in the world

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Serbia is among 18 most miserable countries in the world, according to a survey published by Business Insider.

Besides Serbia, the list of includes other Balkans countries, with Macedonia raking eighth, Serbia nine, and Greece on eleventh place. Croatia ranks higher, places sixteenth. 
Business Insider complied the list based on 2014 CIA World Factbook, and the "Misery" index of the economist, Arthur Okun, who drafted the unemployment data and inflation. 

Meha, the millionaire

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Land owned by Murat Meha, the state official for demarcation with Montenegro has increased in recent years, while he is being accused by the opposition for losing state-owned land. Meha's wealth is reported to be larger than 1.2 million euros.

At a time when he is being accused by the opposition parties for Kosovo land loss, as the head of the State Commission for demarcation of the borderline with Montenegro, he at least managed to increase the area of his privately owned land. 
Meha has been a target for the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, for the loss of thousands of hectares of state land. However, according to the data on the declaration of assets by state officials, Meha has stated that he bought dozens of hectares of land, the value of which amounts to about 400 thousand euros, a house of 500 square meters worth 400 thousand euros, and an apartment that he bought three years ago, worth over 76 thousand euro.
Meha, who is also the CEO of the Kosovo Cadastral Agency, also declared around 330 thousand euros cash, deposited in commercial banks in Kosovo.

Marijuana, the future of breast cancer therapy Wrong?

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Statistics show that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and accounts for 22.9% of all cancers in women around the world.
In 2008, breast cancer was reported as the cause of more than 450,000 deaths worldwide.
Cannabinoids and cancer
The therapeutic potential of cannabinoids – compounds found in marijuana medical – in the treatment of cancer was discovered only recently. Since 1990, many studies have shown that marijuana has anti-tumor effects in a variety of cancer, reports
Numerous studies suggest that cannabinoid receptors are devastating tumor cells of certain cancers, such as cancer of the liver, lung, prostate and breast. Thus, scientists are trying to these compounds which are found in marijuana can be regulated as treatments in an effort to combat this disease.
Other studies also show that cannabinoids are administered and associated by these receptors, which are able to prevent the growth of cancer cells, thus preventing their proliferation and promote cancer cell death, reports
Moreover, it was found that cannabinoids inhibit the growth of tumors and metastazën – the spread of cancer to other organs.
Cannabinoids and breast cancer
Researchers suggest that cannabinoids are useful in the treatment of all types of breast cancer, with strong evidence showing the therapeutic potential for the treatment of tumors of the second and third level of the bay. The therapeutic potential of cannabinoids is particularly important for patients with breast cancer three, since there is currently standard therapy for this group of patients.
In addition to these anti-cancer effects, the researchers say that cannabinoids are considerably safer and less toxic than conventional treatments, reports Cannabinoids are non-toxic to non-stuffed the tumor cells and covered well by the patients – they just feeling less fatigue and dizziness, these relatively mild effects.
After the most recent research continue to provide strong evidence for cancer-fighting effects of these compounds, patients should remain optimistic about their future.

Threats of crisis!

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As a result of his leadership, the state of Kosovo now faces the threat to democracy, even threats of lunatics type’s ISIS (which we create own), even with the threat of direct influence from Serbia, even with the threat corruption as a way of life, even with the threat that drugs and prostitution.
Stability is not always maintained by not acting. And in the case of Kosovo, inaction has become the norm of institutional behavior. Absent proper functioning of the legal and political system in Kosovo, which has degraded civil liberties and fundamental human rights.
Consequently, the state of Kosovo now faces the threat to democracy, even threats of lunatics type’s ISIS (which we create own), even with the threat of direct influence from Serbia, even with the threat of corruption as the way lifestyle, even with the threat that drugs and prostitution.
Never, almost, so far it is not clear that what really lies Kosovo! To remove the declaratory aspects, because the statement can compete with any democratic country in the world. But, everything else was missing. Worse, everything else is facilitated and assisted by institutional political scene.
It is help and facilitate the authoritarian logic of management and governance. Even at central level, the local level. Even independent institutions, but also in political parties. We are all witnesses of the leading institutional mentality that exists in Kosovo for years.
Is facilitated and assisted, unfortunately, hate speech and violent extremism that leads to terrorism. Kosovo society has produced terrorists who make horror in Middle Eastern countries. The state has helped facilitate brain-laundering and organized by districts and various extremist movements, based on religious interpretations. Worse, still Kosovo does is drafting a comprehensive national approach to prevent, de-radikualizuar and re-integrated or radikalizuarit extremists. Not to talk about specific rehabilitation programs. Anyone who has been demonized ngirtur voice against these extremist currents and is flirting with them from Kosovo Powerful.
It is help and facilitate the continued interference of the territorial policies of certain circles in Kosovo Milosevic’s Serbia. Constantly accepting Serbia’s political ambitions, influence and power in decision-making at national and local level for Serbia in Kosovo is visible.
Corruption is facilitated and assisted. Unfortunately, corruption has become almost a ‘lifestyle’ in postwar Kosovo and especially in recent years. Pakorruptuarit honest and often referred to as the “incompetent”, “incapable”, “stupid”. This is the reality created in our own country, because the corrupt are not taking punishment. Rather, they are strengthened in economic terms, but also in their impact on decision-making, employment of tenders.
It is help and facilitate the strengthening of regional trafficking of drugs and human beings. Kosovo is one of the main links to the regional network of drug distribution, which passes through Turkey, Greece and Macedonia through Kosovo, then powerful bosses from here care to distribute drugs through Serbia to the Czech Republic, which is estimated to be one of the centers Balkan main drug bosses.
All these, together with many other elements have a direct impact on the level of democratization of society and, consequently, the state of Kosovo. It blocked the possibility of free initiative, thus blocking the possibilities for development and prosperity.
Now, the state of Kosovo faces crisis caused by its leadership. The real crisis has not surfaced yet. So far, we can see many of its symptoms. These symptoms that are increasing day by day.

How much hope returned to Turkey?

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In these elections it turned out that the participation was very high, 85 per cent and that the HPD passed the electoral threshold, banning the AKP, not only to increase the president’s power, but also to have parliamentary majority.
A year after protests GEZI and a year before parliamentary elections, Mr. Erdogan became president, which traditionally had been some ceremonial post. He wants to change the constitution to increase the powers it. Although the constitution provides that the president be above parties, Mr. Erdogan spent recent months going from edge to edge of the country, holding large rallies, urging voters to give power back to the AKP and opposition parties attacked, and thus regarded as unfair , unable or lavishly.
One of the volunteers of “Oy ve ötesi” told me that “his disregard the rules” that concerned him and why it turned out on the streets during protests in GEZI Park, facing for weeks with tear gas and sprajin with pepper. “No one should be on the links”, – she said.
Almost everything depended on if small Kurdish party, the Democratic People’s Party or HDP, will be unable to pass or not the threshold of 10 percent of the vote to enter parliament, a legacy of the Constitution outlined in 1980 by the military dictatorship.
In 2002, the AKP came to power dramatically by 2/3 of the members of Parliament, with about 1/3 of the votes, as the main rivals failed. Most allow it to govern alone, and started well, taking steps popular in the economy and politics. But after winning a third term in 2011, the magic was gone.
During the protests in GEZI Park I interviewed hundreds of participants. Although I was born just a few blocks away, what stunned me was not how strange it was to see a sea of ​​protesters and political slogans that had covered one of the main squares of Istanbul, but how was it similar movements Other: spontaneous, organized digitally, disillusioned by traditional policies. Like many protesters with whom I have spoken over the world, activists GEZI expressed a strong demand for change, showing lack of trust in existing institutions, whether electoral, legal or other.
Park saved, but in the ensuing elections, the AKP has retained the main municipalities and z. Erdogan was elected president. Many of those with whom I have spoken during this period complained about how state resources were mobilized to assist the KPA.
But also managed many to conclude that, as corrupt apparently political process, its full dissolution will only worsen things. So fragile as representative democracy is made, there is still an alternative in terms of legitimacy. Street protests are a powerful expression of discontent, but may not have the same mandate to give votes.
So how can you change a system that is built to prevent them from trying to change? In Spain and Greece, street protests have turned into electoral coalitions. In Argentina, a generation of activists are vying for power, armed with digital platform that enables them to remain in contact with voters through assemblies online. And in Turkey arising from the way organizations are set up to fill the void left by common institutions: news reporting, election monitoring, investigating corruption.
Other monitors with whom I have spoken have told me similar stories: The worst thing that they saw was neglect, not manipulation.
But in these elections it turned out that the participation was very high, 85 per cent and that the HPD passed the electoral threshold, banning the AKP, not only to increase the president’s power, but also to have parliamentary majority.
A Turkish activists sent me an sms, in which he wrote: “We did change. See you at the next election. “

Imunotoksina 3B3-PE38 can destroy HIV-infected cells

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A toxin created by scientists is able to kill cells where HIV is repeated despite antiretroviral therapy, shows a new study in mice.
The findings suggest that genetically modified bacterial toxin, called 3B3-PE38 and created in 1998, could be used as a complementary tool to antiretroviral therapy (ART), noted the researchers from the National Institute of Health and Medical School University of North Carolina.
Currently, antiretroviral therapy used to manage HIV to people with the disease being contained and stopped the progress of the virus.
However, therapy should be present throughout the life of the person infected or HIV will emerge again, and even if a person gets therapy, cells in different tissues of the body can still express HIV.
For this study, published in the journal “PLoS pathogens,” the researchers took mice engineered to have human immune system and infected with HIV, reports Then, the mice were given antiretroviral drugs for four weeks.
Researchers then divided the mice into two groups: One group received two special weeks apart antiretroviral imunotoksinës, while the other group of mice continued to receive antiretroviral only.
Researchers found that mice who were given imunotoksina except antiretroviral therapy had fewer HIV-infected cells which produce virus. In addition, they had lower levels of HIV in the blood, compared to mice who had received antiretroviral therapy alone.
“Our results demonstrate a dramatic reduction in repeat HIV throughout the body that comes as a result of the killing of virus producing cells,” the researchers wrote in the study.
“Thus, our study provides new insights into the countries of repeat HIV during ART and a demonstration that HIV can be repeated successfully targeted within the body.”
Although additional research is needed to prove this, the researchers said the findings offer hope that imunotoksina could be used to help people to achieve sustainable recovery from HIV without antiretroviral therapy.

Erdogan: No coalition, new elections

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stated that new elections are inevitable, failing to create a coalition. He said that he would give the Justice and Development Party a mandate to form a government.
This party, in power since 2002, lost for the first time an absolute majority in the Turkish parliament and is obliged to create a coalition to govern.
Erdogan told the reporters that if the party that came first in the June 7 elections could not form a coalition, and the same applies to the second party, then new elections will be inevitable.
Erdogan stated that the fur country without a government is unthinkable and that uncertainty should not continue long in order not to risk economic investment and international relations.
Next month, after the new parliament to swear, the party of President Erdogan won 41% of votes, will get a mandate to form a government.
If not arrived within 45 days, then in Turkey will be new elections. So far, the third parties listed after the ruling party have expressed no desire to create a coalition.

Tension in the Baltic Sea: Russian plane next to NATO’s ships

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Increased tension in the Baltic Sea as a Russian military aircraft flew close to 4 war-ship NATO’s, Thursday June 11.
According to Pentagon sources plane is very close, which is a threat, reports
Between 4 was the American ship “USS Jason Dunham”, which is operated in the waters of the Baltic Sea along with a French ship, a German and a British.
It is precisely this vessel that has filmed the scene of Russian aircraft approaching, but the video is not made public by the Pentagon.
“We call professional and secure it. The call routine but not pleasant, “said a Defense Department official on Saturday.

World Bank predicts 3.5% economic growth for Albania

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During these three years there will be economic growth for Albania. This is the forecast of the World Bank, according to which economic growth for our country will be 3.5% in 2015.
Whereas, if these rates will be the economic growth even during 2016 and 2017.
According to World Bank forecasts, the improvement of economic growth will be slow and based on private activities.
The World Bank suggests that the Albanian government to deepen reforms in order to spur economic growth and create new jobs. Albania’s economic growth will be supported by the skills of the private sector.
Meanwhile, the economies of Eastern Europe will remain fragile as a result of natural disasters.
According to the World Bank, many countries as well as Albania are still far better access to the business climate that will enable increased productivity.