As a result of his leadership, the state of Kosovo now faces the threat to democracy, even threats of lunatics type’s ISIS (which we create own), even with the threat of direct influence from Serbia, even with the threat corruption as a way of life, even with the threat that drugs and prostitution.
Stability is not always maintained by not acting. And in the case of Kosovo, inaction has become the norm of institutional behavior. Absent proper functioning of the legal and political system in Kosovo, which has degraded civil liberties and fundamental human rights.
Consequently, the state of Kosovo now faces the threat to democracy, even threats of lunatics type’s ISIS (which we create own), even with the threat of direct influence from Serbia, even with the threat of corruption as the way lifestyle, even with the threat that drugs and prostitution.
Never, almost, so far it is not clear that what really lies Kosovo! To remove the declaratory aspects, because the statement can compete with any democratic country in the world. But, everything else was missing. Worse, everything else is facilitated and assisted by institutional political scene.
It is help and facilitate the authoritarian logic of management and governance. Even at central level, the local level. Even independent institutions, but also in political parties. We are all witnesses of the leading institutional mentality that exists in Kosovo for years.
Is facilitated and assisted, unfortunately, hate speech and violent extremism that leads to terrorism. Kosovo society has produced terrorists who make horror in Middle Eastern countries. The state has helped facilitate brain-laundering and organized by districts and various extremist movements, based on religious interpretations. Worse, still Kosovo does is drafting a comprehensive national approach to prevent, de-radikualizuar and re-integrated or radikalizuarit extremists. Not to talk about specific rehabilitation programs. Anyone who has been demonized ngirtur voice against these extremist currents and is flirting with them from Kosovo Powerful.
It is help and facilitate the continued interference of the territorial policies of certain circles in Kosovo Milosevic’s Serbia. Constantly accepting Serbia’s political ambitions, influence and power in decision-making at national and local level for Serbia in Kosovo is visible.
Corruption is facilitated and assisted. Unfortunately, corruption has become almost a ‘lifestyle’ in postwar Kosovo and especially in recent years. Pakorruptuarit honest and often referred to as the “incompetent”, “incapable”, “stupid”. This is the reality created in our own country, because the corrupt are not taking punishment. Rather, they are strengthened in economic terms, but also in their impact on decision-making, employment of tenders.
It is help and facilitate the strengthening of regional trafficking of drugs and human beings. Kosovo is one of the main links to the regional network of drug distribution, which passes through Turkey, Greece and Macedonia through Kosovo, then powerful bosses from here care to distribute drugs through Serbia to the Czech Republic, which is estimated to be one of the centers Balkan main drug bosses.
All these, together with many other elements have a direct impact on the level of democratization of society and, consequently, the state of Kosovo. It blocked the possibility of free initiative, thus blocking the possibilities for development and prosperity.
Now, the state of Kosovo faces crisis caused by its leadership. The real crisis has not surfaced yet. So far, we can see many of its symptoms. These symptoms that are increasing day by day.
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