Platini: Blatter, një “vendim i mirë”

By Xhafer - No Comments
FIFA President Joseph Blatter (L) and UEFA President Michel Platini (R) chat in Telki about 30 kms north-west from Hungarian capital on May 2, 2009 prior to an inauguration ceremony of the 'Technical and Training Center of the Hungarian Football Federation'. The new sport center was built with a financial aid offered by UEFA with 2.5 million euro, FIFA with 600.000 euro and by the MLSZ with 5,5 million euro. AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEK
Për kreun e UEFA-s Mishel Platini, vendimi i Blatter për të dhënë dorëheqjen nga kreu i FIFA-s është një “vendim i vështirë, kurajoz dhe i mirë”. Platini doli haptazi kundër ish-kreut të FIFA-s në kongresin e fundit u ky u rizgjodh për herë të pestë në kokën e organizmit më të madh të futbollit botëror.
FIFA President Joseph Blatter (L) and UEFA President Michel Platini (R) chat in Telki about 30 kms north-west from Hungarian capital on May 2, 2009 prior to an inauguration ceremony of the 'Technical and Training Center of the Hungarian Football Federation'. The new sport center was built with a financial aid offered by UEFA with 2.5 million euro, FIFA with 600.000 euro and by the MLSZ with 5,5 million euro.   AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEK
FIFA President Joseph Blatter (L) and UEFA President Michel Platini (R) chat in Telki about 30 kms north-west from Hungarian capital on May 2, 2009 prior to an inauguration ceremony of the ‘Technical and Training Center of the Hungarian Football Federation’. The new sport center was built with a financial aid offered by UEFA with 2.5 million euro, FIFA with 600.000 euro and by the MLSZ with 5,5 million euro. AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEK


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